Mark parker art collection
Nike's Mark Parker on Imagination, Innovation and Art
We sat down in Rio with the figurehead of the sports behemoth to talk Lee McQueen, his ever-growing art collection, and the best piece of advice he's ever received
PhotographyJane StockdalePhotographic EditorHolly HayTextMaisie Skidmore
Lead ImageMark ParkerPhotography by Jane Stockdale
It takes a truly insatiable creative appetite to find your way to the top at Nike, a company which has long been acclaimed for gnawing at the bit when it comes to innovation in design. In the case of Mark Parker, who this year celebrates his tenth anniversary as chief executive officer of the company (and his 37th, no less, as a designer there) his hunger for the new is as acute now as it ever was. By placing values accrued through his rigorous design training at the forefront of what the sportswear behemoth does, Parker has played a key part in revolutionising sportswear. In short, form follows function, and there is alw
See a video report while working on chores here,
It is no surprise Nike is a supporter of a Globalist Agenda and an attacker on the rights of American Patriot Citizens.
Mark parkerar likes artists who are known to be lowbrow that arose in the 1970’s in Los Angels, CA.
This painter parkerar collects from does Lowbrow art. I give a description later.
The quickest way to grasp his predilections is with one of his pieces of art like this
Here is just One of his many idols of which he collects This style of artwork.
Called Aurora oil canvas
As if the name of this was in Amsterdam Enjoy. . .Why would someone paint this?
Mark Ryden as stated on his site. . .Large-eyed waifs and larger-eyed snow yaks. Abraham Lincoln’s severed head resting on a child’s bed. Jimi Hendrix standing Christ-like on
Mark Parker’s office on Nike campus in Portland, Oregon, is full of stuff. Seriously full. It’s optic overload when you first walk in. It’s not exactly the office you’d expect a top CEO to have, but when you consider that parkerar started out as a designer for Nike over three decades ago, it makes a bit more sense. Parker is all about visual stimulation and inspiration. One of his mantras (and now one of Nike’s nine company maxims) is “Be a Sponge.” And it’s obvious that he lives by it. He also lives by the idea that collaboration is key and that design is the foundation of any company’s (especially his company) success.
We know that Nike serves the athlete, but over the past 10 or more years, it’s been serving a few contemporary artists and designers as well, like Hiroshi Fujiwara, Futura, KAWS, Marc Newson, and coming up, Tom Sachs. In 2009, Nike was a key player in Livestrong and Lance Armstrong’s “Stages” exhibition, which included work by Ed Ruscha, Richard Prince, Shepard Fa