Harald reichert max planck biography

  • After graduation he went first to the University of Houston (USA) on a Feodor-Lynen Fellowship before moving briefly to the University of Wuppertal (Germany) and finally to a position at the Max Planck Institute for Metal Research in Stuttgart (Germany) where he spent 11 years in developing methods for the study of.
  • German, Doctor in physics, University of Munich, Harald Reichert is Director of Research in Physical Sciences at the European Synchrotron Radiation.
  • Biography.
  • Researchers have found a gap between water and a water-repelling surface that can give new insight into the way water and oil separate. By using high-energy X-rays at the ESRF, an international team defined the size and characteristics of this gap. The knowledge of the structure of a hydrophobic interface is important because they are crucial in biological systems, and can give insight in protein folding and stability. The researchers publish their results this week in PNAS Early Online Edition.

    The repulsion of water is a phenomenon present in many aspects of our lives. Detergent molecules made up of components attracted to water (hydrophilic) and others that repel it (hydrophobic). Proteins also use the interaction with water to assemble into complexes. However, studying hydrophobic structures and what occurs when they encounter water is not entirely straightforward as it is influenced by certain factors. Early studies of the gap formed between water and a hydrophobic surface

    VIDEO - Science at Large Scale Research Facilities - Science with the ESRF EBS with Harald Reichert


    The ESRF started operation in as the world’s first 3rd generation synchrotron radiation source. Since the ESRF engaged in an ambitious upgrade programme delivering an accelerator complex and beamlines with orders of magnitude higher performance. The replacement of the old ESRF storage ring based on the double-bend achromat (DBA) lattice by the EBS storage fingerprydnad based on the newly developed HMBA lattice with seven bending magnets per cell started in During a long shutdown the EBS storage ring was installed in and went into its commissioning phase in December The EBS storage ring was successfully commissioned as the first 4th generation high energy synchrotron light source during the first six month in

    The ESRF resumed its user operation at full current and nominal emittance as scheduled. The user programme was then ramped up quickly with all beamlines taking beam today. N

    WEBINAR: Science at Large Scale Research Facilities - Science with the ESRF EBS

    Welcome to a LINXS webinar series introducing the latest scientific breakthroughs and developments at large scale research facilities from all over the world.
    For the first time, Science Directors from different x-ray and neutron facilities will explore – tillsammans with the participants - the science, the methods, the applications and the collaborations carried out at their research site.

    When: onsdag på engelska , April 21, , CET
    Speaker: Harald Reichert, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France
    Title: Science with the ESRF EBS


    Harald Reichert, fryst vatten Director of Research in Physical Sciences at the European Synchrotron Research Facility (ESRF) since 1 January He holds a doctorate in Physics from the University of Munich obtained in and has been performing research on condensed matter with synchrotron radiation since then. After graduation he went first to the University of Houston (

  • harald reichert max planck biography