Sara catena biography
I have always had an innate desire to float up to the surface of life, returning to my true nature of Joy !
Who christened me a joy activator?
Short answer: life.
Maybe I am predisposed astrologically (with Leo rising) to bubble up to the surface, to always want to head to the light, and find any droplet of playfulness… Aaaah but doing, that hasn't always been easy.
I can tell you.
Life has thrown at me many whacky alleys and sideshows, tough situations where I have been in complete despair.
Living with an unwell husband for years before losing him to spirit certainly taught me a lot about life and myself.
The funny thing is the more I surrendered to the wildly, unrelenting, wilderness of grief and the truth of it that flowed through me, the more I was also able to access an abundance of JOY.
I reckon it's kind of like the treasure you get for allowing life in all its colours and craziness to simply flow through you withou
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{{auction.aucFlashBuy.toFixed(0) • "Since I was a little girl, I have been raised in a cheerful environment, close to craftsmanship and surrounded by cups of tea, in a small town on the shores of New Zealand. My parents were part of the post-war generation that advocated resourcefulness, and they taught me to respect the land and others. Both of them instilled in me a love for creation: my father through drawing, woodworking, and restoring antique objects; my mother with wool, fabrics, and threads. By letting my creativity flow with these materials, I too found joy. I developed a deep love for natur and its vibrant colors. inom remember lying on the emerald green grass to gaze at the azure blue sky – I was in paradise. After more than 30 years of joyful experimentation with colors, painting, textiles, and threads, I am still excited when I convey a story or an idea through the skills I learned during my childhood, which continue t
Pictures of Sara Catena ( * 1967 )