Zajam za srbiju milosevic biography
The Serbian President, Aleksandar Vučić, has offered a less than convincing response as to whether Etihad Airways will retain its investment and management agreement with Air Serbia, which expires on January 1, 2019. Speaking at a press conference, Mr Vučić said, "I would like for Etihad not to pull out of Air Serbia and I hope that it won't. That's all I can say. As far as I am aware, there was a meeting of the Air Serbia Supervisory Board recently and they told me all was well. If they [Etihad] decide to withdraw, Air Serbia will survive and it will be in a much better state than Jat was".
Asked whether the government was seeking a new strategic partner for the airline, Mr Vučić responded, "We are not looking for anyone else, we have a partner. We are not trying to get rid of a good partner". Last month, the Serbian Prime Minister, Ana Brnabić, said that Etihad Airways would continue to be Air Serbia's minority shareholder for the foreseeable future. "Etihad is our strategic
Odnosi Srbije i Rusije nikada nisu bili čisto politički ili ekonomski. Ta veza, često neopravdano veličana bilo od strane običnog stanovnika u Srbiji ili vlastodržaca, oduvek je bila nešto više. Ruse i Srbe najpre su povezivali hrišćanska vera i staroslovenski jezik, da bi u 17. veku počeli prvi društveni kontakti. Interesovanje Rusije za Srbiju, odnosno Balkan, počinju još za vreme Petra Velikog, ali ni tada kao ni sada, odnosi dveju zemalja nisu bili onakvi kakvim smo ih mi doživljavali.
Činjenica je da su u poslednjih sto godina Rusija i Srbija, pod uticajem političkih prilika, četiri puta učestvovale u ratu kao saveznice, kao i da se u celoj svojoj istoriji nikada nisu nalazile na suprotnim stranama.
„Mesto Rusije u srpskom društvu, kulturi, javnosti, pa i politici, mnogo je značajnije, no što to može biti mesto Srbije u ruskoj kulturi, društvu ili politici. Balkan je, od vremena Petra Velikog, imao uočljivo mesto u ruskim spoljnopolitičkim planovima i ambicijama. No, mesto Ba
Roads to Europe. Serbian Politics and the Railway Issue 1878-1881
AI-generated Abstract
Roads to Europe explores the significance of the railway issue in Serbian politics from 1878 to 1881, highlighting the railway's role as both an economic nödvändighet and a geopolitical tool. The book delves into the pressures Serbia faced from neighboring powers and the implications of establishing a railway network, which was pivotal not only for trade but also for determining Serbia's sovereignty and alignment with europeisk interests. The narrative uncovers the complexities Serbian leaders navigated mitt i foreign offers and the overarching concerns regarding national independence and financial viability.
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