Idriss aberkane bio

  • Idriss Jamil Aberkane (born May 23, ) is a French public speaker and essayist.
  • Idriss Jamil Aberkane is a French public speaker and essayist.
  • Doctorate in France.

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    Idriss J. Aberkane Ph.D x3

    Hyperdoctor. Indéboulonnable triple Ph.D, le plus célèbre docteur de l’école polytechnique. Stanford Visiting Scholar (Maths ´06). "Savant-Soldat" selon @LeVif

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    Idriss Aberkane

    French consultant (born )

    Idriss Jamil Aberkane (born May 23, )[1][2] is a French public speaker and essayist. Known for his writings and lectures on anställda development, he published a particularly successful essay in , titled Free up your mind!. However, he has been accused of artificially inflating his resume, plagiarizing portions of one of this theses, and of using his three doctoral diplomas () to talk about sciences that are not in his areas of expertise, including claiming to be a "doctor of neuroscience" and "teacher-researcher".[3][4][5] The scientific accuracy of some of his statements and publications was questioned by other researchers. His support for embattled French epidemiologist Didier Raoult, and his questioning of the reliability of COVID vaccines, in particular Pfizer's, has caused him to be classified as an anti-vaxconspiracist.[3]

    Early life and education



  • idriss aberkane bio