Netziv biography of martin luther king

  • Martin Buber was an Austrian-born Israeli Jewish philosopher best known for his philosophy of dialogue, which contends that we find meaning in.
  • “Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.” (Rev.
  • His iconic photograph with Martin Luther King Jr. as he participated in the Selma March has enshrined him in the history of the civil rights.
  • The Spiritual Benefits The Good Marriage

    Young Israel of Sharon- Parshat Eikev 5776

    Rabbi Noah Cheses

    This morning I want to talk about the good marriage, about using endearing nick names for our spouses, while still remembering their actual names.

    I am choosing this topic because of my brother, Ashie’s uf ruf and upcoming marriage to Riva Bergel which we are celebrating this Shabbat. MAZA TOV! (My personal and professional lives are really converging here, just imagine how awkward this Shabbat would have been if I didn’t get the job.)

    In our parsha this morning, we read Moshe’s second pump-up speech to the Jewish people as they prepare to enter the Holy Land. Moshe herein describes the ideal relationship between the people and Hashem and encapsulates the core of his message towards the end of the parsha with the following pasuk:

    22For if you keep all these commandments which I command you to do them, to love the Lord, your God, to walk in all His ways, and to cleave to Him,

    Straus Center Courses

    C.S. Lewis, Tolkien, and Theology (Dr. David Johnson and Rabbi Dr. Meir Soloveichik)

    C.S. Lewis, Tolkien, and Theology Syllabus (PDF)

    In this seminar, we will study the views of Lewis and Tolkien on a number of philosophical subjects, and compare and contrast them with texts of Jewish thought. In the process, we will learn how these two men engaged one another, where their views differ from Jewish texts, and how we as Jews (and one Gentile) can learn from these authors whose influence continues many decades after they lived on Earth.


    The Emergence of Europe (Dr. Yisroel Ben-Porat)

    Emergence of Europe Syllabus (PDF)

    This course examines the history of Europe as the story of Western Civilization, from the rise of ancient Greece to the aftermath of the Renaissance and Reformation. It aims to introduce the discipline of history alongside the study of pre-modern Europe. In addition to considering the central political, cultural, and religious d

    Chapter 2 Halakhic Guidelines for Relating to Non-Jews in the State of Israel


    Upon the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, there existed a sizable Muslim and Christian minority whose rights to citizenship were enshrined in the democratic aspirations contained in the Israeli Declaration of Independence. Since then the State of Israel has been challenged by balancing democratic values and Jewish Law. The article seeks to determine how Jewish law relates to the non-Jewish “Other” for the expressed purpose of discovering an alternative model with historically based halakhic precedent. A review of traditional texts will show a trend in Jewish Law (Halakhah) that mandates equality as a religious imperative. Enlightenment and Jewish emancipation strengthened this trend which encouraged halakhic deciders to search for ways that a new paradigm can exist in how Judaism views the Gentile. They influenced the early official Rabbinate of the Land and

  • netziv biography of martin luther king