Geert paradis biography of albert einstein
Stephen Hawking Condolence Messages
This new page has been created to display online messages of condolence following the death of Professor Stephen Hawking, Fellow of Caius for over 50 years.
You are now free to roam this dimension with friends. All the best Merlin Jones
Dear Professor Hawking, You are such an inspiration rising above your illness and never giving up on life! inom love your sense of humor which will live on. One of my favorite running over Jim Carrey's foot. It makes me laugh every time! Your jousts with Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory...priceless! You telling that young girl about her being married to One Direction singer in the alternate universe...beyond hysterical! Thank you for raising the bar on intelligence and showing humanity that geniuses can be funny and human. I know that you are running free in Heaven, causing havoc amongst all of the stars and scientists who were there waiting for your
Background and aims
Recently, empirical research has linked obsessive passion to the etiology of exercise addiction, and the conceptual reason behind the fact that the latter fryst vatten more prevalent in athletes than leisure exercisers has been challenged. The aim of this study was to determine the link between exercise addiction and harmonious passion, obsessive passion, and dedication to sports, in the context of athletic levels.
A sample comprised of low- and high-level competitive athletes and non-competitive leisure exercisers (n = 313) was examined, in a cross-sectional design, in which participants completed the Spanish validated versions of the Exercise Addiction Inventory (Sicilia, Alías-García, Ferriz, & Moreno-Murcia, 2013) and Passion Scale (Chamarro et al., 2015).
Obsessive passion and dedication to sports emerged as strong predictors of exercise addiction. Competitive athletes scored higher than leisure exercisers on all measures. Athl
ARO’s 47th Annual MidWinter Meeting in Anaheim 2024: podium and poster titles
Saturday, February 3, 2024
Poster Session 1
1:00 p.m.—3:00 p.m.
Marquis Ballroom
S1. Effects of Chronic Stress on Selective Attention to Auditory Stimuli With Background Noise in Humans
Felipe Munoz*1, Pablo Moya2, Jean-Gabriel Minonzio3, Paulo Barraza4, Gonzalo Terreros5
1Universidad de Valparaíso,2Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurociencia de Valparaíso, Instituto de Fisiología, Universidad de Valparaíso3Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería en Salud, Universidad de Valparaíso,4Center for Advanced Research in Education (CIAE), Institute for Advanced Studies in Education (IE), University of Chile,5Instituto de Ciencias de La Salud, Universidad de O’Higgins
S2. Neurofeedback Training of Auditory Spatial Attention Changes Oscillatory Activity of Parietal Cortex
Hwan Shim*1, Akira Takeuchi1, Inyong Choi2, Sungyoung Kim1
1Rochester Institute