Mus ab bin umair biography of mahatma

  • Authentic biographies (Sīrah) of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are based on hadiths (sayings, actions, and approvals of the Prophet) and historical.
  • › 2022/07 › quran.
  • Biography of Prophet Muhammad....
  • Life Sketch of Prophet Muhammad

    Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahhi Wabarkatuhu,

    1. HOLY NAMES 

    2. HOLY BIRTH 
    Islamic Dates/Day/Time/Place 
    12th or 9th  Rabbi‐ul‐awal, Monday, Early in the morning (before sun rise) at Holy MAKKAH 
    English date/year 
    17th June 569. A.D 
    Hindi date date/year 
    1st of jaaith 3672 kul jug 
    Other Dates 
    1st year of elephant. (on 40th day after elephant event) 2675th year to  Prophet Noah's flood 
    2585th year to  Prophet  Ibrahimi year 

    3. DEATH 
    12th Rabbi‐ul‐awwal  11 hijrah, 23 Nabvi, 8th June, 632 A.D, At the time of chast (after sun 
    rise) In Madina munawwarah 
    In the house of Bibi Ayesha R.A. Burried in the house of bibi Aysha R.A 
    Grave exactly where died in the room 

    4. LIFE SPAN Total Life Span 
    63 years +0 month+4days+6 hours or 
    total 22330 days or total 535924 hours 

    Page 1 of 9 

    Stay in Holy Makkah ‐ 53 years 
    Stay in Holy Madina ‐ 10 years 

    5. UNCLES 
    Total un


    Mohammed The Prophet

    By Prof. K. S. Ramakrishna Rao, Head of the Department of Philosophy,
    Government College for Women University of Mysore, Mandya-571401 (Karnatika).

    Re-printed from "Islam and Modern age", Hydrabad, March 1978.

    In the desert of Arabia was Mohammad born, according to Muslim historians, on April 20, 571. The name means highly praised. He is to me the greatest mind among all the sons of Arabia. He means so much more than all the poets and kings that preceded him in that impenetrable desert of red småsten.

    When he appeared Arabia was a desert -- a ingenting. Out of nothing a new world was fashioned by the mighty spirit of Mohammad -- a new life, a new culture, a new civilization, a new kingdom which extended from Morocco to Indies and influenced the thought and life of three continents -- Asia, Africa and Europe.

    When I thought of writing on Mohammad the prophet, I was a bit hesitant because it was to write about a religion inom d

    stories of Ahlulbayt

  • 1. 1 Stories of THE AHLULBAYT
  • 2. 2 1.AN ORPHAN’S EID It was Eid, a day of celebration and a day of rejoicing. There was an air of festivity in the streets of Madina. All the people, both young and old were dressed in their best clothes. Rasulallah(saw) led the Eid prayers. After they had finished they all greeted each other and everyone was walking back home. The children were running and playing in excitement, smiling and laughing. As Rasulallah(saw)walked back home, he saw a little boy sitting by himself on the side of the path. The little boy was crying and looked very sad. Rasulallah(saw)bent down and asked 'why are you crying?' 'Please leave me alone' sobbed the little boy. The boy didn't even see who was talking to him. Rasulallah(saw) ran his fingers through the boy's hair and very gently asked him again why he was crying. This time the boy said, “My father died and now my mother has married again and my stepfather does
  • mus ab bin umair biography of mahatma