Cephas chimedza biography of michaels

  • Cephas Chimedza's birthday we have decided to give you this Great Legend's Biography.
  • Was Cephas Chimedza good for being a specialist at taking set pieces?
  • 팔로워 명 • 스레드 개 • One thing I've learnt over the years is I'll never please everyone so now I never worry about what people think about me.
  • 20022020022020022020022020022020022020022020022020021101019101019101019101019101019101019101019101019101019100119101019100119101019101019101019101019
  • cephas chimedza biography of michaels
  • Former Warriors left back Cephas Chimedza mourns death of wife Sharon

    Belgium based former Warriors, CAPS United and Dynamos defender Cephas Chimedza has lost his wife, Sharon.

    Chimedza announced the death of his wife on his Twitter handle on Thursday.

    &#;At you sent me this saying see you soon. I was still waiting for your call only to get a police visit to tell me you were no more. Thank you for the 3 beautiful kids and all the years together. R.I.P Sharon,&#; he tweeted.

    However, the cause of Sharon&#;s death has not been disclosed.

    Cephas Chimedza mourns his wife-Zimmagazine

    Former Warriors, Dynamos and Caps United left back Cephas Mother Chimedza lost his wife yesterday.

    In a meddelande in twitter cephas wrote : At you sent me this saying see you soon. inom was still waiting for your call only to get a police visit to tell me you were no more. Thank you for the 3 beautiful kids and all the years together. R.I.P Sharon

    She left 3 kids and Cephas expressed how devastated he was by this event.

    The player made history at the Afcon in Tunisia and also with the indomitable Caps of the years / making headlines in almost every game they played.

    Many football fans have sympathised with the player offering words of comfort as this is such a tough time