Paul yonggi cho ministries

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  • David Yonggi Cho

    South Korean Christian minister (–)

    In this Korean name, the family name is Cho.

    David Yonggi Cho (Korean:&#;조용기; 14 February – 14 September as Paul Yungi Cho) was a South Korean PentecostalPastor. He was the founder of the Yoido Full Gospel Church (Assemblies of God), which he started in a tent with 5 people (including his future mother-in-law Choi Ja-shil and her children as its first members), which eventually became the world's largest congregation, with a membership of , (as of [update]).[1]

    Early life


    Cho was born on 14 February , in Ulju County, now part of Ulsan.[2] The son of Cho Doo-chun and Kim Bok-sun, Cho was the eldest of five brothers and four sisters. He graduated from middle school with honours. Because his father's sock and glove business went bankrupt, he could not afford high school or university tuition. Subsequently, he enrolled in an inexpensive technical high school to learn a trade. At the

    Yonggi Cho death and burial: David Paul Yonggi Cho life and times in pictures

    Wia dis foto come from, David Yonggi Cho

    Evangelist Dr. David Paul Yonggi Cho, wey be di owner of one of di world largest mega-church die on Tuesday, im church confam.

    Di preacher wey die at di age of 85 be di co-founder of di Yoido Full Gospel Church for South Korea.

    Im also be di founder of di David Yonggi Cho ministry.

    For , di Oga cho graduate from Full Gospel Bible College Seoul, Korea and im later found di Daejo Full Gospel Church dat year.

    Before im death im be Senior Pastor of Yoido Full Gospel Church, General Superintendent of Korea Assemblies of God and e don also be di Chairman-World Assemblies of God Fellowship between

    During im 63 years in ministry, David Yonggi Cho don carry waka to preach di gospel across many nations of di world.

    See some pictures wey show im life and time

    Wia dis foto come from, DCEM

    Wia dis foto come from, DCEM

    Wia dis foto come

    I recently got a message that Paul David Yonggi Cho, the former pastor of the World’s largest church died.

    In I was part of a committee of leaders that sponsored a church growth conference with Dr. Cho. Several hundred pastors came, some noted, including Dr. Richard C. Halvorson, before he became the Chaplain to the U. S. Senate. Cho spoke about how God had spoken to him when he was pastor of a little church that he would pastor the largest congregation in the an outlandish word to the proof of the pudding is in the his presentations, Cho asserted that God gave him this huge church and ministry to convey two first was that all churches were to grow through cell groups that were both pastoral to the people in them, and second was the importance of morning corporate prayer was central. Cho joked that one time he was so tired but left for prayer just the same and did not realize he was in his also created prayer mountains for prayer were privileged to minister many times in Korea and

  • paul yonggi cho ministries