Leyla neyzi biography templates
gulumser's story
“Gülümser’s Story: Life History Narratives, Memory and Belonging in Turkey” I would like to thank Gülümser Kalik for participating in this project and for allowing her words to be reproduced. Thanks are also due Umut Azak and Özlem Biner for their contributions, to Nagihan Haliloğlu for the transcription, and to Kemal Kahraman for permission to use his poetry. This research is supported by the MEAwards Program of the Population Council. New Perspectives in Turkey 20 (Spring ) Leyla Neyzi Sabancı University Herkesin bir tarihi var. Herkesin bir dili. Ne anlatır size yalnızlık Bana, beni. Ne anlatır size ölüm Bana, kederli annemi. Dokunsak ışığa… Silinse yüzlerimiz. Ah o gözlerimiz. Gözlerimiz. —Kemal Kahraman “Each one of us has a history/Each one of us has a tongue (language)/What does loneliness tell you?/It tells me of myself/What does death tell you?/It tells me of my bereaved mother/Let us touch the light/Erase our faces/
Scottish Centre for War Studies and Conflict Archaeology
Thursday, 25 February @ (90 minutes)
Professor Leyla Neyzi: "We were born into war": Kurdish ungdom, collective memory, and the making of new publics in Diyarbakir, Turkey
Professor Leyla Neyzi is a Leverhulme Trust Visiting Professor and Research Fellow in History at the University of Glasgow. Her research is focussed on oral history in conflict-affected settings, memory studies, Kurdish studies, youth cultures, ethnicity and minorities, displacement and diaspora.
Zoom details from Rachel Chin.
Abstract: Currently, the Erdogan regime in Turkey has not only resumed the war against the PKK (Partîya Karkerên Kurdistanê or Kurdish Workers’ Party), but is eliminating democratic institutions and the rule of law in the country. In this paper, I reflect on the results of an internationally funded research project carried out during a more hopeful time, “Young People Speak Out: The Contribution of Oral History to F
leyla neyzi
“Speaking to One Another?” Lessons Learnt from the First Collaborative Oral History Project between Armenia and Turkey
In this presentation, inom will discuss the backstory of the project “Speaking to One Another,” focu more In this presentation, I will discuss the backstory of the project “Speaking to One Another,” focusing on the process and the experience as well as the research results. Initiated in by dvv international, the German youth and adult education association, the goal of this project was to bring together social scientists and university students from Armenia and Turkey to conduct oral history research and collaborate on a website, traveling exhibition, film, and book to contribute to the process of reconciliation between the two countries. The project, which was completed in , proved quite challenging for a variety of reasons. Some of these challenges were associated with the nature of the research itself, such as interviewing individuals in Turkey on the