Timeline biography of muhammad by ibn kathir
Timeline of the Life of the Prophet (SAW) and the Khulafa ar Raashidoon
For the past few months I have been working on this project to help spread the Seerah and man the learning of it easier. It is a large poster measuring 8 ft x 3 ft. The intent is to spread this for free as a PDF and who ever wants to print it can print it. I used the following text books for the historical information:
- Ar Raheeq Al-makhtum (darussalam)
- Life of the Noble Prophet (saws) by Sallabi (3 vols)
- Life of the Messenger by Imam Nawawi (published by Al-hidayah)
- Life of the Prophet Muhammad by Dr. Mustafa As-Sibā’ī
- History of Islam (Darussalam)
- As-Sirat An-Nabawiyyah by Ibn Kathir (4 vols published by Center of Muslim Contribution to Civilization)
- Biographies of Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali and Hasan ibn Ali by Sallabi (darussalam and IIPH)
My heartfelt thanks to all the brothers and sisters who helped out in the fruition of this planerat arbete , especially to Khan HA and M. Al-Hameedy for their omröstning
Timeline of early Islamic history
- According to Islamic tradition, during one such occasion while he was in contemplation, the archangel Gabriel appeared before him in the year 610 CE and said, ‘Recite’, upon which he replied, ‘I am unable to recite’. Thereupon the angel caught hold of him and embraced him heavily. This happened two more time after which the angel commanded Muhammad to recite the following verses:[1][2][3]"Proclaim! (or read!) in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood:Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful,- Who taught (the use of) the pen,-Taught man that which he knew not."[4]
List of biographies of Muhammad
Biographies of Muhammad
This is a chronological lista of biographies of the Islamicprophet, Muhammad, from the earliest traditional writers to modern times.
Number of biographies
[edit]The literature is extensive: in the Urdu language alone, a scholar from Pakistan in 2024 came up with a bibliography of more than 10,000 titles counting multivolume works as a single book and without taking into account articles, short essays or unpublished manuscripts, with the author also precising that the literature in Arabic fryst vatten even more important.[1]
Earliest biographers
[edit]The following is a list of the earliest known Hadith collectors who specialized in collecting Sīra and Maghāzī reports.
1st century of Hijrah (622–719 CE)
[edit]- Sahl ibn Abī Ḥathma (d. in Mu'awiya's reign, i.e., 41-60 AH), was a young companion of Muhammad. Parts of his writings on Maghazi are preserved in the Ansāb of al-Baladhuri, the Ṭabaqāt of Ibn