Sonka the golden hand biography templates

  • Sofia Ivanovna Blyuvshtein was a female con artist who lived in the Russian Empire and was eventually convicted of theft.
  • Sonya Golden Hand was the original Bond Girl.
  • The most famous fraudster and thief of the nineteenth century Sonka nicknamed "Golden pen", whose fame has already crossed the line of the twenty-first century.
  • Greetings, dear readers!

    There are persons who entered the world history easily and naturally, entered and remained in it for centuries though on the one hand, it would seem that they made such valuable for mankind that for a long time to remain in memory of people, and history of their life - to be transferred from generation to generation, causing genuine admiration at numerous admirers.

    But there are also those whose lives are not worthy of emulation, but is able to fascinate many.

    In this case, I would like to talk about the woman who managed to shut up for the belt of many well-known criminal authorities. Moreover, it is in this environment caused a deep reverence to his person, forced to worship me like an idol.


    Before her spell could not stand no representative of the male with whom she had to deal with. It was her charm, wit and natural artistry has enabled her with ease and agility to carry out the daring robbery, which were introduced into the shock of high s

  • sonka the golden hand biography templates
  • Sonka the Golden hand: a biography, full of adventure

    There are many examples of how women became prominent criminals. Using the data the nature of the spell, showing remarkable resourcefulness and composure, women often cheat men who consider themselves experienced and “broken life".

    One such avanturistic was sheindl sur Leibovna Solomoniak, and she is Sofya blyuvstein, aka Sonka the Golden hand. Biography of this “thief on trust” became a legend in spite of their low reliability and weak documentary exposure.

    Year of birth-1846, place – the town of Povonzki, located on the territory of the Polish Republic. The family is poor, but with a long-standing criminal traditions. In other words, her father, who was called Stendal, was a Barber, while he was actively working as a sale of stolen goods.

    When it became a criminal Sonka the Golden hand? Biography began ordinary: early marriage, whose main objective was to leave the drudgery and poor par


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