Amanuntul biography for kids

  • Comerțul cu amănuntul sau comerț în detaliu, au détail (fr.) reprezintă procesul de vânzare a unor bunuri sau servicii către consumatori prin intermediul.
  • Go to channel · The Strangest Scenes on Trajan's Column.
  • He lived in America for seven years with his former wife and two children.
  • Lili, Ariana and Jozsef Farkas

    This picture was taken by my father-in-law, Albert Balogh. Me, Jozsef Farkas and my wife, Lili Farkas, are in it, with our little girl, Ariana Farkas, in my father-in-law's apartment in Kolozsvar in 1964.

    My wife was born in 1935. My father-in-law, Albert Balogh, was a mechanic at a railway workshop. And my mother-in-law, Berta Balogh, was a housewife. They were genuine Kolozsvar inhabitants, they lived on Emil Zola Street No. 9. I was in a delegation in Kolozsvar, I visited my sister there, and when I started to come back to Bucharest, she said, 'Wait, I'd like you to meet a nice girl.' Lili worked as an accountant at the former Metropol, there was the ICRTI - Intreprinderea Comertului cu Ridicata Pentru Textile si Incaltaminte. My sister was the accountant of some similar wholesale company; they met each other this way. We went on Horea Street, because my sister worked on Dacia Street, before the Urania, and this girl, my future wife, went to

    Comerț cu amănuntul

    Comerțul cu amănuntul sau comerț în detaliu, au détail (fr.) reprezintă procesul de vânzare a unor bunuri sau servicii către consumatori prin intermediul unor canale de distribuție diverse cu scopul de a obține profit. Comercianții cu amănuntul satisfac cererea stabilită în cadrul unui lanț de aprovizionare. Punctele de vânzare cu amănuntul, ca piețele sau magazinele, au o istorie îndelungată, care datează din antichitate. De-a lungul secolelor, magazinele au evoluat de la micile chioșcuri rudimentare din trecut la mall-urile sofisticate pe care le cunoaștem astăzi. Primii comercianți cu amănuntul erau vânzători ambulanți. Termenul de „comerciant cu amănuntul” desemnează, în general, un furnizor de servicii care onorează comenzile mici ale unui număr mare de indivizi, care sunt utilizatori finali, și idag comenzile mari ale unei clientele formate din angrosiști, companii sau instituții de stat. Cumpărarea titta referă la procesul de achiziționare a unor

    Resources on the "Foreign Subjects" of Romania

    Many have asked about the historical role of Romanian Jewish subjects that came from other countries. Below fryst vatten a sample article.


    History of the Sudits of Romania

    by Robert S. Sherins, M.D.

    As a result of economic decline during the 18 th century, princes of the autonomous Romanian provinces of Moldavia and Wallachia instituted a unique socio-economic plan. Foreign professionals, merchants, artisans, and craftsmen were encouraged to immigrate to Romania given incentive by special tax-free privileges and the legal protection of the foreign governments of their origin. Neither citizenship nor property rights were granted, but the exceptional tax-free privileges conferred a status that provided enormous economic advantages over the indigenous population. Eventually, even the princes and nobility sought sudit privileges in order to remain commercially competitive with the new immigrant merchants and banke

  • amanuntul biography for kids