Sarina brewer biography books
Revue Dada (№276)
Animaux Fantastiques
By Antoine Ullmann
Paris, France: Editions Arola, 2023
p. 11 [image inclusion]
ISBN– 978-2358801768
Nicholas R. Brewer: His Art & His Family
by Julie L'Enfant, PhD
Saint Paul, MN: Afton Press, 2018
pp. 340-343 [image & biography]
Lexikon Phantastischen Künstlerinnen:
(Encyclopedia of Fantastical Female Artists)
by Prof. Gerhard Habarta
Norderstedt, Germany: Books on Demand, 2017
pp. 43-44 [image & biography]
HEY! Modern Art & Pop-Culture (№29)
Contemporary art book series
by Anne & Julien
Paris, France: Ankama Editions, 2017
pp. 61-63 [image and biography]
Displaying Death And Animating Life: Human-Animal Relations in Art, Science
by Jane C. Desmond, PhD
New York, NY: Grand Central Press, 2016
pp. 31-33, 252 n17 [inclusion]
Hearsay; Artists Reveal Urban Legends
by Jan Harold Phaidon, PhD
New York, NY: Grand Central
Cryptozoology: Out of Time Place Scale is a book on cryptozoology written by Mark Bessire, the current director of the Portland Museum of Art (Maine); who has over a dozen books published.
Some, like the Tasmanian tiger, are considered extinct--yet sightings are still reported. Some, like the giant squid, existed only as rumors until hard evidence finally appeared. And then there are the others, who roam a shadowy realm between myth, hucksterism and science--for example, Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. Cryptozoology is the quest for unidentified and elusive species, and as such is often treated as a marginalized science more akin to farcical adventure. However, the subject makes for a perfectly fascinating zone of inquiry for contemporary artists interested in the fertile edges of the history of science and museums, taxonomy, myth, spectacle, and fraud.
"Cryptozoology: Out of Time Place Scale" mines the theoretical and design terrains of the twenty-fir
Interspecies Blendings and Resurrections: Material Histories of Disability and Race in Taxidermy Art
Canadian Journal of Disability Studies Published by the Canadian Disability Studies Association Association Canadienne des Études sur le handicap Hosted by The University of Waterloo www.cjds.uwaterloo Interspecies Blendings and Resurrections: Material Histories of Disability and Race in Taxidermy Art Miranda Niittynen Departments of Visual Arts and Women’s Studies, Lakehead University Abstract This paper analyzes the contemporary art practice of rogue taxidermy. Specifically, I look at the rogue taxidermy of Sarina Brewer, an artist who utilizes sensationalist aesthetics and representations found in historical sideshows alongside unconventional forms of taxidermy to critique historical and contemporary forms of body display. I discuss the material histories that informed and shaped the practice of taxidermy and how taxidermy was (and continues to be) bound up