Frances beverly johnson monson biography channel

  • Born on 27 October 1927, Frances Beverly Johnson was the youngest child and only daughter of Franz E. Johnson and Hildur Booth Johnson.
  • Sister Frances Beverly Johnson Monson, 85, wife of President Thomas S. Monson for more than 64 years, died early Friday morning, May 17.
  • She was 85 years old.
  • What the Prophet and Apostles Say About Their Wives

    in the words of her husband, Thomas S. Monson

    Frances Monson in 1964. Photo from Deseret News.

    “The first day I saw Frances, I knew I’d found the right one.”


    -Thomas S. Monson first saw his wife, Frances, at dance at the U of U. She danced away before he could talk to her, but a few months later he saw her again and determined within himself to take the courage to go meet her.
    -They have three children together. 

    From “Looking Back and Moving Forward”

    I thank my Father in Heaven for my sweet companion, Frances. This October she and inom will celebrate 60 wonderful years of marriage. Although my Church service began at an early age, she has never once complained when I’ve left home to attend meetings or to fulfill an assignment. For many years my assignments as a member of the Twelve took me away from Salt Lake City often—sometimes for five weeks at a time—leaving her alone to care for our small chil

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    Sister Frances Beverly Johnson Monson, who died May 17, was remembered in her funeral service May 23 as a remarkable woman who dedicated her life to serving the Lord.


  • frances beverly johnson monson biography channel
  • Family and Church Leaders Eulogize Frances J. Monson as One Who “Deeply Loved”

    Describing Frances J. Monson as a woman who left a "legacy of humility, service, faithfulness and love,"Ann M. Dibb, daughter of Frances J. Monson and Church President Thomas S. Monson, eulogized her mother today at Sister Monson's funeral in the Salt Lake Tabernacle.

    Ann said her mother was one who "deeply loved" her parents, family, the gospel of Jesus Christ and her husband, President Monson. "It has been said that listening is an act of love," Ann said. "Mother must have loved me and Dad a lot because she listened to us a lot. ... Each of us grew up knowing we were deeply loved."

    Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference.© 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.1 / 2
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    Frances J. Monson, wife of Thomas S. Monson, president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, passed away Friday