Alois musil biography of michael
Alois Musil: Interdisziplinare Perspektiven auf eine vielschichtige Personlichkeit
Alois Musil () fryst vatten a multifaceted personality: (1) as a Catholic priest, he finds himself in a tension between ecclesiastical responsibility and scientific curiosity, (2) as Sheikh Musa, he travels through the Orient and is - above all because of his cartographic work - involved in the European "big game" and (3) as a professor, he works in Vienna and Prague on a bred variety of topics in a wide variety of subjects, some of which are only just establishing themselves in university science, and thus becomes the founding father of ethnology in Vienna, ancient oriental studies in Prague and pioneer of oriental research in the area of the former "k.u.k. empire". The anthology focusses on different perspectives of this complex personality. It fryst vatten divided into interdisciplinary sections: Biographical perspectives, contemporary historical perspectives, biblical studies perspectives, Islamic studies, as we
Tomáš Petráček. The Arabist and Explorer Alois Musil ( ) and His Unfulfilled Career as a Biblical Scholar. The Catholic Historical Review, , , n. 1, p.
THE CATHOLIC HISTORICAL REVIEW Volume Number 1 Winter THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA PRESS The Arabist and Explorer Alois Musil (–) and His Unfulfilled Career as a Biblical Scholar toMáš Petráček* The Olomouc diocesan priest Alois Musil attained the greatest renown among Czech Catholic experts in exegesis. His fame was, however, not specifically in Biblical studies but in another related field, namely Near Eastern languages and literature, also known as Oriental studies, where he went on to become a significant figure. His initial interest, however, lay in Biblical scholarship and source evidence exists to document the fact that he never really abandoned the idea of going back to the Bible as a research scholar. The present article would like to focus on Alois Musil as a Biblical scholar, introduce his ideas, and demonstrate w
Musil, Alois°
MUSIL, ALOIS ° (–), Czech Orientalist, born in Rychtarov in Bohemia. He studied at the theological faculty of Olomouc and was ordained a priest in ; in he went to Jerusalem to join the Dominican Ecole Biblique. His field exploration began with a trip to *Egypt in and to Petra in , when he traveled from *Gaza to *Damascus by way of the Negev and Transjordan. In the Vienna Academy sent him on a mission to Arabia Petrea, which he explored until , discovering the desert palaces at Qusayr ʿAmra, Tūba, al-Bāyir, and al-Muwaqqar. He was one of the first explorers of the ancient cities of the Negev. In addition to archaeology, he was greatly interested in mapping and in the manners and customs of the Bedouin. From to he taught at Olomouc and from to at Vienna. He explored the Syrian Desert in –09, the northern *Hejaz in , and the Palmyrene and northern *Arabia to the Hejaz in –15; the last mission was semipolitical. In he began to teach at Prague University. Musil publishe