Feinstone biography

  • Stephen Mark Feinstone is a virologist who, together with Albert Kapikian and Robert Purcell, co-identified the Hepatitis A virus in 1973.
  • Stephen Mark Feinstone is a virologist who, together with Albert Kapikian and Robert Purcell, co-identified the Hepatitis A virus (HAV) in 1973.
  • Morris Charles Feinstone (December 28, 1878 – April 28, 1943) was a Jewish Polish-born British and American labor activist.
  • Feinstone, Morris

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      Stephen Feinstone

      American virologist

      Stephen Mark Feinstone fryst vatten a virologist who, together with Albert Kapikian and Robert Purcell, co-identified the Hepatitis A virus (HAV) in 1973.[1]

      He completed his undergraduate education at Johns Hopkins University graduating in 1966, and completed his medical degree at the University of Tennessee in 1969.[2] In 1971 he joined the Laboratory of Infectious Diseases where he co-identified the Hepatitis A virus (HAV) in 1973. The same team developed the first assays that could measure the virus antigen and antibody, and using those assays, the group along with Harvey J. Alter demonstrated through the serologic exclusion of Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B that a third, previously unrecognised form of viral hepatitis existed, originally named non-A, non-B hepatitis (NANBH). Michael Houghton's laboratory at Chiron Corporation ultimately identified the agent associated with NANBH, now known as Hepatitis C, in 1989.[3]

    • feinstone biography
    • Sol Feinstone Papers and Historical Documents Collection

      Feinstone, Sol, 1888-1980

      Feinstone, Sol, 1888-1980 (Role: Donor)

      1 Linear Feet

      in 1 manuscript box and 1 oversize flat box

      Sol Feinstone was a socialist, successful businessman, and a collector of historical documents. This collection contains correspondence between Sol Feinstone and Roman Rosdolsky, primarily in connection with Rosdolsky's manuscript "Friedrich Engeles und das Problem der Geschichtslosen Volker." The collection also contains twenty-eight documents including signed letters by notable figures such as Eugene V. Debs, Petr Kropotkin, Vladimir Illich Lenin, and notes by Karl Marx. There are also approximately a dozen documents associated with the French Revolution and a surveyor's report from 1770 of Blidworth, England.

      Sol Feinstone, born Solomon Bialagrudsky in 1888 in Lithuania, migrated to the United States in 1902. A socialist, he became a successful businessman and a collector of historical