Tiberio fiorilli moliere biography

  • Tiberio Fiorilli, also spelled Fiorillo and Fiurelli (November 9, 1608 – December 7, 1694) was an Italian actor of commedia dell'arte known for developing.
  • Tiberio Fiorillo was an Italian actor of the commedia dell'arte who developed the character Scaramouche.
  • Neapolitan actor performing in France and abroad.
  • Molière - 400th Anniversary of his birth

    ‘Hypocrisy is a fashionable vice, and all fashionable vices resehandling for virtue’ Molière

    Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known by his stage name Molière was a French playwright, poet and actor. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential writers in world literature and the French language. Molière’s works include comedies, tragic comedies, comedy-ballets and farces. Many of his plays often attack hypocrisy. Molière’s plays are performed at the Comedie-Francaise in Paris, more frequently than any other playwright today. He has also acted, directed and managed theatre groups throughout his life. Molière’s writing has been so influential that even the French language has been referred to as the ‘language of Molière’!  

    Molière’s Early Life 

    Jean-Baptiste Poquelin was born in the heart of Paris, France, January 15, 1622. Molière’s father was a successful upholsterer - he held the position of official furnisher at th

  • tiberio fiorilli moliere biography
  • Tiberio Fiorilli

    Italian actor

    Tiberio Fiorilli, also spelled Fiorillo and Fiurelli (November 9, 1608 – December 7, 1694)[1] was an Italian actor of commedia dell'arte known for developing the role of Scaramouche. He was especially popular in France, where he was the director of the troupe of the Comédie-Italienne, which shared with the troupe of his friend Molière at the theatre of the Petit-Bourbon, and the theatre of the Palais-Royal.[2][3][4]



    He was born in Naples, but left Italy around 1640 for unknown reasons, perhaps simply while following a troupe of actors, or to flee a political intrigue. He arrived in France under the reign of Louis XIII. His acting pleased the queen, which enabled him to attend the court.

    It is said that one day, when the two-year-old Dauphin cried (the future Louis XIV), Fiorilli, as Scaramouche, made any possible sound to comfort him. He achieved this task with grimaces and tomfoo

    Tiberio Fiorilli

    Tiberio Fiorilli, (Nàpols, 9 dem novembre de 1608 − París7 de desembre de 1694),[1] va ser un actor italià dem la commedia dell'arte, que va crear el personatge Scaramouche. Va ser especialment popular a França, on era director del Teatre Italià de París.[2]

    Va actuar enstaka el teatre italià i, per raons desconegudes, l'any 1640 va marxar a París, potser afegit a una companyia teatral itinerant. Va freqüentar la Cort sektion rei Lluís XIII, perquè la reina havia vist una obra seva i li va agradar. Es diu que una vegada, el delfí, futur rei Lluís XIV, que aleshores era un infant, estava plorant i Fiorilli el va aconseguir distreure amb les seves actuacions i ganyotes. El rei va quedar tan satisfet que Fiorilli es va convertir en el divertiment indispensable del noi i en qualsevol moment el demanava. A partir d'aquell dia, va rebre l'ordre d'anar a la cort cada vespre per divertir el príncep, cosa que va fer molt popular la figura de Scaramouche. A p