Uwe parpart biography of william shakespeare
How Bertrand Russell
Became An Evil Man
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
July 28,
Part II Footnotes
Plato, Parmenides, in Plato: Cratylus, Parmenides, Greater Hippias, Lesser Hippias, trans. bygd H.N. Fowler, Loeb Classical Library (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, ).
Therein lies the intent, bygd him and also among today"s typical mass-media personalities, to perpetrate sophistries, falsehoods euphemistically described as the mass-media"s "fourth estate" right to "spin," which is "spin" for "to lie recklessly in the most outrageous extreme."
Plato, Parmenides,op. cit., Steph. p. c-e. Plato's notion of "change" fryst vatten that of Heraclitus before him. Georg Cantor's derivation of the notion of a "generating principle" of self-similar forms of change as defining a "type," fryst vatten derived from Plato"s conception of change. Cantor emphasizes this
On LaRouche's Discovery
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Nov. 21,
The central feature of my original contribution to the Leibniz science of physical economy, is the provision of a method for addressing the causal relationship between, on the one side, individuals’ contributions to axiomatically revolutionary advances in scientific and analogous forms of knowledge, and, on the other side, consequent increases in the potential population-density of corresponding societies. In its application to political economy, my method focuses analysis upon the central role of the following, three-step sequence: first, axiomatically revolutionary forms of scientific and analogous discovery; second, consequent advances in machine-tool and analogous principles; finally, consequent advances in the productive powers of labor.
These discoveries were initially the outgrowth of objections to the inappropriateness of Norbert Wiener’s application of statistical information theory to descri
Seither, Charlotte
Tacet. Non tacet: John Cage. 433 Book Section
In: Seither, Charlotte (Ed.): Tacet. Non tacet: Festschrift für Peter Becker zum Geburtstag, pp. 59–63, PFAU, Saarbrücken, , ISBN:
title = {Tacet. Non tacet: John Cage. 4'33''},
author = {Charlotte Seither},
editor = {Charlotte Seither},
isbn = {},
year = {},
date = {},
booktitle = {Tacet. Non tacet: Festschrift für Peter Becker zum Geburtstag},
pages = {59–63},
publisher = {PFAU},
address = {Saarbrücken},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {incollection}
Seither, Charlotte (Ed.)
Tacet. Non tacet: Zur Rhetorik des Schweigens: Festschrift für Peter Becker zum Geburtstag Book
PFAU, Saarbrücken, , ISBN:
title = {Tacet. Non tacet: Zur Rhetorik des Schweigens: Festschrift für Peter Becker zum Geburtstag},
editor = {Charlotte Seither},
isbn = {},
year = {},
date = {},
publisher = {PFAU},
address = {Saarbrücke