Liberata mulamula biography of michael

  • I am a leading career diplomat in retirement and like to share knowledge and my wide ranging experience with the new generation of students.
  • It was great speaking with Ambassador Mulamula who was the Tanzanian Ambassador to the United States when I was Senior Advisor to the Africa.
  • Liberata Mulamula, née Rutageruka (born 1956) is a Tanzanian diplomat appointed Tanzania's Minister of Foreign Affairs by the President Samia.
  • Liberata Mulamula, née Rutageruka (born 1956) is a Tanzanian diplomat appointed Tanzania’s Minister of Foreign Affairs by the President Samia Suluhu. Mulamula served as Permanent Secretary at the Tanzanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation since May 2015. Prior to this she was the Tanzanian Ambassador to the United States.

    She also served as the first Executive Secretary of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR).

    Liberata Rutageruka was born on 10 April 1956 in Muleba, Bukoba.

    Ambassador Liberata Mulamula before her appointment as Tanzania’s Ambassador Extraordinary to the U.S. was Senior Personal Assistant of the President of the United Republic of Tanzania from March 2012.

    She also served at the Tanzania High Commission to Canada and Permanent Mission to New York as Minister Plenipotentiary and Head of Chancery from 1999 to 2003 respectively before being appointed Ambassador and Director of Multilateral Cooperation in the Mi

    Embassy of Tanzania, Washington, D.C.

    Diplomatic agrémentDiplomatic accreditationTerm end AmbassadorObservations Tanzanian Head of StateU.S. President1961July 1962Vedastus Kyalakishaija KyaruziPermanent Representative of Tanzania to the United NationsQueen Elizabeth IIJohn F. KennedyJuly 1962December 1962Asanterabi Zephaniah Nsilo SwaiPermanent Representative of Tanzania to the United NationsPresident Julius NyerereApril 17, 19631964Erasto Andrew Mbwana Mang'enyaPermanent Representative of Tanzania to the United NationsLyndon B. JohnsonNovember 24, 1964December 15, 1964February 1965Othman ShariffNovember 29, 1965December 15, 1965Chief Michael LukumbuzyaFormer principal secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
    Appointed October 6, 1965. December 31, 1968January 3, 1969Gosbert Miarcell RutabanzibwaSeptember 26, 1972October 2, 1972Paul BomaniRichard NixonFebruary 24, 1983April 7, 1983
  • liberata mulamula biography of michael
  • MUSC hosts Tanzanian delegation to show commitment to African Great Lakes region

    Her Excellency Ambassador Liberata Mulamula of the Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania made her inaugural visit to Charleston, SC and the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) on Thursday, February 5, 2015, where she took part in activities to highlight MUSC’s extensive involvement in the African Great Lakes region. Ambassador Mulamula was accompanied by Tanzanian Economic Affairs Plenipotentiary, Paul Mwafongo in Charleston for a day’s worth of celebration to hallmark MUSC’s growing partnerships with institutions in Tanzania.

    The MUSC Center for Global Health hosted a luncheon to celebrate MUSC’s long history with Tanzania and to share details about a developing multi-institutional collaboration between MUSC and Clemson University in the U.S. and Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences and Arusha Technical College in Tanzania to develop appropriate health technologies.

    Mark S