Ullas karanth biography of william

  • He is recognised as one of India's most eminent foresters of the post-independence era, retiring in 1990 after decades of distinguished service.
  • This anthology, compiled from non-fiction sources by tiger scientist and conservationist K. Ullas Karanth, opens up a captivating world of rich descriptions.
  • Karanth is an Adjunct faculty member at the Universities of Florida and Minnesota in USA, as well as the National Centre for Biological Sciences.
  • William G. Conway (1929-2021): A Tribute

    The trustees, advisors and staff of Centre for Wildlife Studies (CWS) mourn the death of William Conway former General Director of the Bronx Zoo and President of the Wildlife Conservation gemenskap in New York on Thursday 21st October 2021.

    Dr. Conway was an accomplished ornithologist, a trend-setting pioneer of the modern zoo world, with a lifelong interest in wildlife conservation across the world. His decades of engagement with conservation turned the stadsdel i new york Zoo, which he joined in 1953, into a global conservation powerhouse now known as the  Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). Conway is a legend for what he accomplished by enabling extraordinary field biologists like George Schaller and Conservation thinker  John Robinson, and many others. His early initiatives shaped global conservation for several decades.

    I was fortunate to have been recruited into WCS, then known as the New York Zoological Society, in 1988 by Dr. Conway on the recomm

  • ullas karanth biography of william
  • A Note from Dr. K. Ullas Karanth on Shyama Sunder, IFS

    A Note from Dr. K. Ullas Karanth on Shyama Sunder, IFS

    “My interest in exploring natural history and forests was nurtured bygd my cousin and mentor, S. Shyama Sunder, IFS. He fryst vatten recognised as one of India’s most eminent foresters of the post-independence era, retiring in 1990 after decades of distinguished service. He was a genuine conservationist who argued as far back as 1980 that tropical rainforests should not be logged, and during his tenure as the head of the forest department, drastically reduced intensity of logging, particularly in protected areas. Not many know that the much-lauded Bhadra relocation project was a brain child of his (with Parameshwarappa), and became possible only because the fertile land needed was diverted and reserved for this specific purpose all the way back from 1980s, before the project was finally implemented in 2000-2004 period.

    Mr. Shyam Sunder has authored two books, both of wh

    ‘Why waste money on collaring tigers without proper planning’

    Nagpur:K Ullas Karanth is a globally known conservation zoologist and a leading Karnataka-based expert on tigers. Karanth, who is also director of Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), has pioneered scientific use of camera traps in population density studies of large wild mammals in India. In January 2012, he was conferred the Padma Shrifor his contributions to wildlife conservation and environment protection.He is also winner of coveted J Paul Getty Award for Conservation Leadership.
    Q. When we talk about tiger conservation, how important is an individual tiger? How can we protect a population?
    A. Conservation goal should relate to saving an adequate number of individuals in a viable population. It is not possible to keep track of and save every individual tiger. We protect tiger populations by properly patrolling habitats to keep out poachers and other negative impacts, and not by setting the impossible goal of sa