Arthur braginsky biography
Born in 1965 in Mukachevo, Ukraine.
In 1982 graduated from Mukachevo art school.
Studied at the Lviv Institute. inom. Fedorov.
From 1987 to 1989 he worked in Uzhgorod Philharmonic the lighting designer.
Later in the Russian drama theatre of Mukachevo artist - property man.
1991. Uzhgorod, solo exhibition
1992. G. Shtudgard, Germany, solo exhibition
2001. G. Zalaegerseg, Hungary, solo exhibition
2002. G. Vonyarcvashegy, Hungary, solo exhibition
2002. the town of Keszthely, Hungary, the Festetics Museum, solo exhibition
2003. Budapest, Hungary, solo exhibition
2005. chakwal, Hungary, solo exhibition
2006. G. Zalaegerszeg Hungary a personal exhibition
2007. in bad Windsheim, Germany, city Hall, solo exhibition
2007 ART EXPO Paris France
2007 Austria Salzburg exhibition Hungary
2008-Russia Moscow Gostiniy Dvor exhibition "Portraits"
2008 Russia Moscow Art Salon, Central house of artists.
2008 Russia Moscow X-Show
2008 Austria, Vienna
BRAGINSKY ARTHUR, born on June 25, 1965 in Mukachevo.
In 1982 graduated from Mukachevo art school.
Later studied in Lviv I. Fedorov polygraphic Institute.
Since 1987 to 1989 has been working as a lights artist in regional philharmonic (Uzhgorod), later – in Russian dramatic theater as a decorator (properties artist).
Personal exhibitions
1991 - Uzhgorod, Ukraine
1992 - Stuttgart, Germany
2001 - Zalaegerszeg, Hungary
2001 - Vonyarcvashegy, Hungary
2002 - Keszthely, Hungary Festetic’s Palace- museum (one man show)
2003 - Budapest, Hungary
2005 - Chakvar Hungary
2006 - Zalaegerszeg, Hungary
2007 - Germany, Bad Windsheim
2007 - ArtEXPO 2007 France Chaville(Paris)
2007 - Austria Salzburg exhibition Hungary artist
2008 - Russia Moskva Gostiniy Dvor "Portraits"
2008 - Art Salon Moscow
2008 - X-Show Moscow
2008 - group exhibition JMA Gallery Vienna (Austria)
2008 - exhibition Art Event Belgium Antwerpen
2008 - exhibition LINEART GENT, Belgium
Arthur BRAGINSKY ukrainian painter known for working in the Fantasy Figurative style
Arthur Braginskyborn in 1965 in Mukachevo, Ucraina. In 1982 graduated from Mukachevo art school. Later studied in Lviv I. Fedorov polygraphic Institute. Since 1987 to 1989 has been working as a lights artist in regional philharmonic (Uzhgorod), later, in Russian dramatic theater as a decorator -properties artist. Paintings by Arthur Braginsky. He works as a decorator in a Russian dramatic theater. Here is his gallery of beautiful paintings in oil on canvas. The artist works in different styles and genres – female figures, landscapes, portraits, and abstract art. According to Arthur Braginsky, painting the future, above all, will be considered from the standpoint of balance and stylistic spiritual harmony.