Gottlieb burckhardt biography of michael
ArticleKotowicz, Zbigniew; ()
Gottlieb Burckhardt and Egas Moniz: Two Beginnings of Psychosurgery
ArticlePendleton, Courtney;Zaidi, Hasan A.;Chaichana, Kaisorn L.;Raza, Shaan M.;Carson, Benjamin S.;Cohen-Gadol, Aaron A.;Quinones-Hinojosa, Alfredo; ()
Harvey Cushing's Contributions to Motor Mapping:
ArticleFrank W. Stahnisch; ()
Die Neurowissenschaften in Straßburg zwischen und Forschungstätigkeiten zwischen politischen und kulturellen Zäsuren
BookEntin, Martin A.; ()
Edward Archibald: Surgeon of the Royal Vic.
ArticleMoreira, Tiago; ()
Translation, Difference and Ontological Fluidity: Cerebral Angiography and Neurosurgical Practice ()
ChapterDelia Gavrus; ()
"Making Bad Boys Good": Brain Surgery and the Juvenile Court in Progressive Era amerika
BookBliss, Michael; ()
Harvey Cushing: A Life in Surgery
ArticleKinsman, Michael;Pendleton, Courtney;Quinones-Hinojosa, Alfredo;Cohen-Gadol, förnamn A.; ()
Harvey Cushing's Early Experience with the
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Neurosurgical treatment of mental disorders
Not to be confused with psychic surgery.
For the Tourniquet album, see Psycho Surgery.
Medical intervention
Psychosurgery, also called neurosurgery for mental disorder (NMD), is the neurosurgical treatment of mental disorders.[1] Psychosurgery has always been a controversial medical field.[1] The modern history of psychosurgery begins in the s under the Swiss psychiatrist Gottlieb Burckhardt.[2][3] The first significant foray into psychosurgery in the 20th century was conducted by the Portuguese neurologist Egas Moniz who, during the mids, developed the operation known as leucotomy. The practice was enthusiastically taken up in the United States by the neuropsychiatristWalter Freeman and the neurosurgeonJames W. Watts who devised what became the standard prefrontal procedure and named their operative technique lobotomy, although the operation was called leucotomy in the Uni